What is a EPPS?
An Existing and Potential Pollution Source Survey (EPPS) assesses proposed or existing water well locations, aiding in the evaluation of public water supply wells and springs for pollution hazards.
Environmental Protection Planning: Safeguarding Public Drinking Water Quality
In addition, an EPPS is required where Existing/Potential Pollution Hazards are identified within ¼-mile of a proposed well or spring. An Existing and Potential Pollution Source Survey shall be reported to the TCEQ before construction or as required by the TCEQ Executive Director . It shall also include all hazards and any other facilities that may threaten the quality of the public drinking water.
Environmental Protection Planning for Water Well Development: Benefits and Applications
Federal, state, and municipal governments, as well as private property owners and operators, conduct EPPS when considering adding a drinking water source to their site. Design engineers involved in designing and permitting water well locations for public consumption also require an EPPS. These surveys and inventories offer data that could lead to TCEQ reducing chemical monitoring requirements and granting exceptions to well construction rules and sanitary control easements.
If you have any questions regarding EPPS feel free to contact us.