Farm and Ranch Environmental Services
Farmed areas – both on land and in the water – provide important habitats for many wild plants and animals. CRG Texas is an Environmental Services provides certified professional staff trained to follow protocols established in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual.
When farming operations are sustainable managed, they can help preserve and restore critical habitats, protect watersheds, and improve soil health and water quality. But when practiced without care, farming presents the greatest threat to species and ecosystems.
Offsite determination
- USGS topographic and SCS soil maps
- National Wetland Inventory database
- Available aerial photographs
Onsite determination
- hydrophyte vegetation
- Hydric soils
- Wetland hydrology
Onsite delineation
CRG Texas Environmental Services provides experienced environmental professionals to assess impacts from farmland operations as follow:
Environmental Farm Properties Services
CRG provides experienced environmental professionals to assess impacts from farmland operations.
Petroleum Storage and Use
- Petroleum storage tank releases
- Waste petroleum releases
Onsite determination
- Hydrophyte vegetation
- Hydric soils
- Wetland hydrology
- Threatened & Endangered Species
- Cultural Resources
- Onsite delineation
Environmental Ranch Land Services
CRG provides services for:
- Purchasers
- Land Owners
- Investors
- Developers
- Ranch lands
- Farmlands
- Utility rights of way
- Private Land owners
- Land development
- Due diligence
Environmental Coastal Real Estate Services
Offsite determination
- USGS topographic and SCS soil maps
- National Wetland Inventory database
- Available aerial photographs
Onsite determination
- hydrophytes vegetation
- Hydric soils
- Wetland hydrology
Onsite delineation
Purchasing Farm and Ranch Land Tips
When purchasing a farm and ranch property you should always consider past and present oil & gas exploration and production.
Purchasing Farm and Ranch include the following issues:
Past use of Pesticides, Herbicides and fertilizers can present threats to surface water, ground water and also have exposure risks to livestock, humans, crops, forestry and vegetation.
Past and current uses of petroleum fuel and lubricant which is used to fuel and maintain agriculture equipment can also produce hazardous waste that can potentially impact human health and the environment.